SIL News

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June 1997


Wetlands – your comments >>>

Limnology in Ireland >>>

Limnology down under >>>

What happened to Lake Sevan? >>>

Books >>>

Forthcoming Meetings >>>

Wanted – a new editor for SILNEWS

The present editor of SILNEWS wishes to hand over to a new editor from the time of the next congress in Dublin in August 1998.

If you are an active limnologist with a range of contacts, or wishing to make contact with a wide variety of colleagues, please consider whether you could make time to edit this newsletter. A congress is a good time to start because a lot of news for your first issue derives from the congress itself. I will help as much as I can during the transition but you will have an almost free hand thereafter.

Any member who would be interested in editing SILNEWS after August 1998 please contact the General Secretary-Treasurer, Prof R.G. Wetzel whose address is on the front page of this issue. Further information can also be obtained from the editor, Dr Mary J. Burgis.

Workshop on periphyton

The SIL Working Group on Periphyton will hold a meeting during one of the evening sessions at the forthcoming 27th Congress of SIL in Dublin, August 1998. Prof R.G. Wetzel will lead discussions on the on-going project to complete the development of a methods manual on ecological and community analyses of periphyton. We encourage all interested members to participate. Those members who are unable to attend, please express your views to R.G. Wetzel for inclusion in the evaluations.


The editor apologises for an error in the e-mail address of the organiser as given in SILNEWS 22. The correct address for Prof. Teresa Ferreira is:

The correct web site address of Dr T. Mehner, who organised the 1996 PEG Workshop in Dresden is: This page gives the latest literature on O+ fish and zooplankton plus a worldwide bibliography on the effects of fish on lakes.
