SILnews, the society’s newsletter, is an informal information medium for SIL members and limnologists in general. Its purpose is to promote the exchange of news and views not only among limnologists, but also to wider communities interested in water-related issues. Contributions, including short articles, reviews and opinions, book reviews, obituaries and news items related to SIL, are welcome.
Contributions to the newsletter are in English and should be submitted as a word or rtf file (.doc or .rtf) to Deadlines are 01 October and 01 April for the January and July issues, respectively.
September 2000 Contents W. Thomas Edmondson >>> Announcements >>> Letters to the Editor >>> Book...READ MORE
May 2000 Contents George Evelyn Hutchinson >>> Working Group reports >>> Occasional Publications of SIL...READ MORE
January 2000 Contents Global water crisis >>> Working Group reports >>> Environmental news and issues...READ MORE
SILnews 28 September 1999 Contents The weird and wonderful: Australian arid zone rivers / SIL...READ MORE
May 1999 Contents Wilhelm Rodhe >>> Contact persons for Working Groups Working Group reports >>>...READ MORE
January 1999 Contents Mary Burgess – retiring as SILNEWS Editor >>> SIL 98 Dublin >>>...READ MORE
May 1998 Contents The 75th Anniversary of SIL >>> How SIL is governed >>> The...READ MORE
Ireland on the Internet >>> Regionalization of Freshwater Ecosystems >>> Wetlands – further comment >>>...READ MORE
June 1997 Contents Wetlands – your comments >>> Limnology in Ireland >>> Limnology down under...READ MORE