Receipients / Lecturer 2024

Congratulations Sarian Kosten for winning the Kilham Lecture Award this year!
Sarian Kosten is an aquatic ecologist interested in how global change impacts aquatic systems and how negative effects can be mitigated. She focuses on how abiotic and biotic conditions drive the production, consumption and emission of greenhouse gases and how they affect carbon burial. In her work she centers on the effects of eutrophication, climate change, macrophytes and fauna in a wide range of surface waters including lakes, ditches, rivers and fishponds. Questions she aims to answer are: How can water and land management contribute to the improvement of the ecological status of aquatic systems and how can this possibly help to mitigate aquatic greenhouse gas emissions? She is a professor at the Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences (RIBES) at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and head of the department of Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology.