Guidelines: Peter Kilham Award

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Peter Kilham Memorial Award


The aim of the Kilham Memorial Award is to honor the memory of Peter Kilham by promoting and stimulating research in the subjects that most interested him and to which he devoted his life. The subject of the lecture will be in one or more of the following areas: African limnology, biogeochemistry, ecology and physiology of planktonic diatoms, comparative ecology of lakes and oceans, paleolimnology, or saline lakes. SIL honors one of its members for the Peter Kilham Award by requesting a synthesis to be delivered as the foremost lecture at the initial General Assembly of each Congress.

Kilham biography >>>


Thomas Mehner – (President) Chair
Björn Wissel – (General Secretary – Treasurer)
Stuart Bunn
Sarian Kosten
Jasmine Saros
Nomination Details

Rules for the Administration of the Peter Kilham Memorial Lecture

  1. The Peter Kilham Memorial Lecture is administered by the Kilham Memorial Committee according to the following rules adopted by the International Society of Limnology (SIL).
  2. The aim of the Kilham Memorial Committee is to honor the memory of Peter Kilham by promoting and stimulating research in the subjects that most interested him and to which he devoted his life.
  3. The Peter Kilham Memorial Fund, Inc. will supply SIL with a prize of $1,000 US prior to each triennial congress to be presented to the person chosen as the Kilham Memorial Lecturer. The subject of the lecture will be in one of more of the following areas: African limnology, biogeochemistry, ecology and physiology of planktonic diatoms, comparative ecology of lakes and oceans, paleolimnology, or saline lakes.
  4. The selection of the Kilham Memorial Lecturer shall be decided by the Kilham Memorial Committee. The nomination should be announced, if possible, at the congress next before that at which the lecture is to be delivered.
  5. The Kilham Memorial Committee shall consist of five members, two of which shall be the President and General Secretary of SIL (who shall act respectively as the Chair and Secretary of the Committee), one member (who must be a member of SIL) shall be named by the Peter Kilham Memorial fund, Inc., and two members will be elected by the International Committee. Preference for elected members shall be given to prior Kilham Memorial Lecturers. Re-election of members is permissible.
  6. The Committee shall decide by vote, three members forming a quorum. If the voting is exactly even, the Chair shall have a casting vote. Voting may be by correspondence.S