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Membership dues – 2002

MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE AS OF 1 FEBRUARY. Fees for 2002 are 65 Swiss Francs or equivalent for regular members (Sodales) and 130 Swiss Francs for associate members (Sodales adjuncti; institutions, associations, and other corporations). Student members are entitled to a 50% reduction of regular member fees for a maximum of three years. Instructions for payment are given on the attached rate sheet. Payments by credit card (VISA or MasterCard) are now accepted through the General Secretary’s Office (only). Please note that rates listed on page 5 have changed in relation to revaluations of different currencies. Exchange rates for 2002 are based on those of the 1st of November 2001 in Zürich (per SIL Statutes).

See the Membership Page for a list of dues and contact persons for specific countries.

National Representatives

The officers of the Executive Board and national representatives of the International Committee were elected by majority and are entrusted with the effective operation of SIL. We encourage your inquiries and concerns to the General Secretary or to your National Representative for consideration and evaluation. Your participation, opinions, and constructive suggestions for improvement of the operation and capacities of SIL are important.

See the List of National Representatives for names and addresses for specific countries.

28th Congress in Melbourne, Australia

The 28th CONGRESS OF SIL, held in mid-summer 4-19 February 2001 at the Clayton campus of Monash University within Melbourne, Australia was highly successful. Sponsored by the Australian Section of SIL, Australian Society for Limnology, and entire Australian limnological contingency, the Congress drew over 750 participants. Extensive opportunities allowed evaluation of inland water resources of Australia. Despite the great travel distance for most SIL members, the meetings and opportunities to see some of the unique limnology of this enormous country was most rewarding. Some 450 scientific contributions have been edited and are now being published in the Proceedings (see below).

29th Congress in Finland

The 29th Congress of SIL will be held in the Helsinki University Lahti Research and Training Centre, slightly north of Helsinki on 8-15 August 2004. An extensive itinerary is being organized in this limnological mecca. Website:

30th Congress in Canada

The 30th Congress of SIL will be held in Montreal, Québec, Canada, in August 2007. An extensive series of scientific excursions are being planned to evaluate numerous limnological venues and activities of this region of Canada.

Call for nominations for the Naumann-Thienemann Medal Awards

A detailed summary of the contributions of Einar Naumann and August Thienemann to limnology and the foundation of SIL was presented in the lead article of SILNEWS 21. The Naumann-Thienemann Medal is the highest honor awarded for scientific contributions in international limnology. The Naumann-Thienemann Medal Committee solicits documented nominations of scientists with unusual contributions to the development and advancement of limnology. To nominate a candidate, a complete curriculum vitae, list of publications, and a statement of the outstanding merits of the individual should be submitted to General Secretary Wetzel or President Likens for distribution to and evaluation by the Committee.

Nominations for the Baldi Memorial Lecturer

The Baldi Memorial Lecturer, described in detail in SILNEWS 24 in 1998, for the 29th Congress in Finland will be Dr. Wolfgang Junk, leader of the Tropenökologie Arbeitsgruppe of the Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie, Plön. The Baldi Memorial Lecturer Committee solicits documented nominations of limnologists that would present seminal insights on a particular subject in inland aquatic ecology. Forward nominations to General Secretary Wetzel.

Nominations for the Kilham Memorial Lecturer

The Kilham Memorial Lecture for the 29th Congress in Finland will be Dr. Dag Hessen of the University of Oslo, Norway. The Kilham Memorial Lecture Committee requests documented nominations of limnologists appropriate for this honor. Forward documentation to Gen. Secretary Wetzel for the Committee.

Tonolli Memorial Awards

The Tonolli Memorial Fund for Furthering Limnology in Developing Countries has adequate funding from the interest of the endowment and from contributions to award a few scholarships to assist the research training of young scientists from developing countries. Applications should include detailed documentation of candidates, using a form available from the General Secretary, and letters of recommendation. Submissions should be made to General Secretary Wetzel for distribution to and evaluation by the Committee. The Committee evaluates proposals twice annually, in January and July.

Publication of Dublin Congress Proceedings

The most unacceptable situation of the delays of publication of the Proceedings of the 27th Congress held in Dublin finally have been overcome. Parts 1 through 5 have been published and distributed to members in good standing. Those members receiving the entire volume on CD-ROM will receive the entire volume when completed. The final Part 6 is in final preparations and should be completed before the end of the year. Many members and authors are justly disgruntled, and the entire situation is untenable for the wellbeing of SIL. Many actions have been taken to prevent recurrence of this unfortunate situation in future congresses.

Publication of Melbourne Congress Proceedings

Some 450 manuscripts from the congress in Australia have been edited and are now being set into galley proofs. The procedures have been improved and the entire volume will be issued in 2002.

SIL Publication Index

The author and subject index of all SIL publications (Verhandlungen 1-20; Mitteilungen 1-21) continues to be well received. This valuable access source to the thousands of SIL publications is available to members at cost of production. Remit SFr 20 or US$10 to the General Secretary-Treasurer for your copy. Remittance in US dollars being sent from foreign countries must be drawn on an international bank in the USA that is recognized by the Federal Reserve System. Certain credit card payments are accepted (see payment instructions here). We are seeking to have all the SIL publications converted to electronic form and available to members digitally.

Limnology in Developing Countries

The first volume of a special book series Limnology in Developing Countries, edited by B. Gopal and R. G. Wetzel, included reviews of limnology for Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Ghana, and Tunisia. Volume 1 was completed in late 1995 and distributed to all members in good standing. Volume II, edited by R. G. Wetzel and B. Gopal, was distributed in 1999, and it included reviews of limnology of Indonesia, Morocco, Ethiopia, Costa Rica, and Uruguay. Volume III appeared in 2001 and included reviews of limnology in Algeria, Belize, Columbia, and Malawi. Further volumes are currently being completed. These publications are free to members in good standing. They are available for purchase by non-members at very nominal rates indicated through the office of the General Secretary-Treasurer.

Limnology of Developing Countries Vol. I. 1995. B. Gopal and R. G. Wetzel, Editors. 230 pp. (Bangladesh, Ghana, Malaysia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Tunisia) [$5 individuals; $12 institutions]

Limnology of Developing Countries Vol. II. 1999. R. G. Wetzel and B. Gopal, Editors. (Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Nigeria, Surinam, Uruguay) [$8 individuals; $20 institutions]

Limnology of Developing Countries, Vol. III. 2001. R. G. Wetzel and B. Gopal, Editors. (Algeria, Belize, Columbia, and Malawi). [$7 individuals; $15 institutions]

Limnology of Developing Countries, Vol. IV. 2002. R. G. Wetzel and B. Gopal, Editors. (In final preparation) (China and India) [Price to be determined]

The SIL newsletter, initiated in late 1987, is distributed three times annually to all members. SILNEWS 35 will be sent from Canada to all members in December. Our newsletter editor, Dr. Richard Robarts, requests your participation and submission of information to further increase communication and exchange among our members. Forward any information for consideration to Dr. Richard Robarts or Ms. Clara Fabbro, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, 11 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 3H5, Canada. E-mail: or

Archiv fűr Hydrobiologie

Ordinary members (Sodales) can obtain this publication, an official journal of the SIL, at a price reduction of 20%. Please send orders to the General Secretary for forwarding to the publisher, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. The main Volumes (Hauptbande) of the Archiv fűr Hydrobiologie are designed for short original works from the entire field of theoretical and applied limnology. Complete and critical reviews of individual subjects of limnology appear as the “Ergebnisse der Limnologie” (Advances in Limnology).

Sponsor a member

Some members have generously contributed sufficient funds to sponsor a researcher or student of limnology from developing or other countries from which it is difficult to pay our modest membership fee. Alternatively we urge you to contribute to the Endowment Fund.

Library Affiliates

SIL has shipped excess copies of all available past SIL publications to a number of libraries of developing or other countries in which it is difficult for institutional membership. In addition, institutional memberships have been provided for certain libraries from our Endowment Fund. We welcome applications from institutional libraries for assistance with their membership. Direct inquiries to the office of the General Secretary and Treasurer. Persons knowing of particularly deserving institutional libraries are urged to inform us – we are attempting to have our scientific contributions reach as many workers as possible.

Increase our membership!

The membership of SIL now exceeds 3100. In order to enhance the many roles of our membership in international limnology, particularly in education, research, and effective management of water resources, we need to increase our membership to include greater representation of active freshwater scientists and water resource managers. It is particularly appropriate and important that young researchers and students become involved in the activities of SIL. The Student Membership for fulltime students working toward a graduate degree is being used widely. Students receive a 50% reduction in annual fees for a maximum of three years. A membership form is available here … convince a colleague or student to join SIL today!

Correct Addresses

Please verify your name and address given on the address label of SIL mailings contains changes reported to the General Secretary as of November 2001. SIL cannot be responsible for loss of publications because of unreported changes of address.
