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HomeAnnouncements → EU BioAgora

IGB Berlin and the EU BioAgora project have launched a questionnaire to identify critical research needs for restoring free-flowing rivers, the aim of this questionnaire is to bridge the gap by identifying research priorities that address real-world societal challenges, involving a wide range of actors.

The EU BioAgora project is conducting a short online survey to help develop the nexts steps and ideas on how to restore free-flowing rivers across Europe. Your contributions will be discussed during a workshop at the upcoming Free Flow Conference (15-17 April) in Groningen (Netherlands), and will be developed into a interdisciplinary list of critical research needs to improve river restoration efforts, that will be communicated to EU Research & Innovation processes to shape future calls for research.

    • Take only five minutes to share your expertise and opinion in our short survey

    • Please complete the survey by March 15th to ensure your voice is heard

Please share this survey with your network so that we can reach as many people as possible, and let’s work together to ensure a healthier future for European rivers. 

Click the following link or scan the QR code to begin the survey:

Many thanks on behalf of the freshwater team within the EU BioAgora project,
