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May 1999


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Message from the President

A recurring concern of any organisation is what that organisation can do for its members and what the members can do for the organisation. SIL is no exception. This issue was raised again at our recent Congress in Dublin, and it was highlighted that there is a need for better communication among the members of SIL. Our organisation can best serve its members if it knows what they think and what they want – and if it lets members know what it is doing and proposes to do. Communication among members and the Executive is an important part of this process. Between congresses, the vehicles for communication that we have used are: SILNEWS, the Annual Circular, meetings of the Working Groups and our Web site.

I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities for exchange of information and opinions offered by our newsletter. Please let your Executive or SILNEWS editor, Richard Robarts, know your suggestions for how we can increase the value of our Society to its members.

Carolyn Burns
University of Otago

Message from the Editor

SILNEWS 27 is coming to you in a new format and sporting a new SILNEWS logo. The redesign of SILNEWS was the idea of Clara Fabbro in the Editorial Office. Clara enlisted the design talents of Philip Gregory of Label Marketing in Saskatoon for the front page. You will also see on the front page the recently approved SIL Mission Statement. Inside readers will find a Message from the President, a list of SIL Officers and addresses where they can be contacted and a list of the Chairs, or contact persons, for the SIL working groups. The objectives of SILNEWS are to provide SIL members with up-to-date information about the many activities and facets of SIL, faciliate an open forum for discussion and communicate information which will be of interest to SIL members.

Readers will also notice that we have gone to an 8.5 x 11 inch page format from the previous A4 format.This decision was based on the practicalities of the our situation. SILNEWS is now produced in North America which has yet to adopt the international A4 paper size.

Another decision which will bring changes to the look of SILNEWS is the acceptance of advertising material from manufacturers of limnological equipment and publishers of books and journals in the aquatic sciences. Other newsletters accept paid advertising since it can cover the costs of producing and distributing a newsletter. Currently, we print 3,400 copies three times a year. SILNEWS and SIL members are from a wide range of organizations in many countries. We believe that these are selling points that will attract advertisers. If you know of companies that might be interested in advertising in SILNEWS, please have them contact the Editorial Office.

I would like to hear your views about the changes to SILNEWS and your ideas about what other information you would like to see on a regular basis. Suggestions, or articles, for future volumes are very welcome. I would like to have a Letters to the Editor section, but this will depend upon SIL members taking the time to send in their letters.

Richard Robarts

Attention: Manufacturers of limnological equipment and publishers

SILNEWS is now accepting advertisements for equipment and publications that will be of interest to SIL members.

SILNEWS is distributed three times a year to more than 3,000 members and libraries world-wide. If your company is interested in acquiring advertising space in SILNEWS, please contact the Editorial office for rates at or use the mailing address on the front page.


Send your change of address to:

Deborah D. Cook
Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0206
Phone: 205-348-1787
Fax: 205-348-1403


SILNEWS depends on its readers for articles. Please send your contributions to the Editorial Office at the following address:

Dr. Richard D. Roberts, Editor OR
Ms. Clara Fabbro, Editorial Assistant
GEMS/WATER Collaborating Centre
Environment Canada
11 Innovation Blvd.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7N 3H5

Contributions on a PC formatted disk, in any standard word processor or DOS (ASCII) text, or an email attachments, will assist the Editor.