
Group on Aquatic Primary Productivity – GAP

GAP VII will be held from 9 to 17 September 1999 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Peter Bossard and Reinhard Bachofen will co-chair the local organizing committee. The objectives of the workshop are directed towards a better understanding of the dynamics of primary production in spatially and temporally heterogeneous aquatic environments. The following working group topics will be available:

Dynamics of primary production and biological diversity in different aquatic environments and at different time scales.
Effect of UV radiation (UV-A, UV-B) on primary productivity in different aquatic environments.
Role of nutrients (including trace metals) for the primary productivity and phytoplankton community structure.
Infochemicals (e.g. allelochemicals) and chemical interactions between organisms in primary production.
Approaches and methods to estimate daily primary productivity.
The first circular is available (after 4 May) on the web-site:

Dr. Peter Bossard
EAWAG, Hydrobiology/Limnology
Tel. +41 – 41 – 349 21 20
Fax. +41 – 41 – 349 21 68

Conservation and Management of Running Waters

The fourth meeting of the SIL Working Group on the Conservation and Management of Running Waters was held in conjunction with the SIL meeting in Dublin on the evening of August 13, 1998.

The attendance at the Working Group was certainly international, with the 34 members recorded representing 17 countries (UK, Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Czech Republic, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, South Korea, Hong Kong, USA). The title of our discussion was “Opportunities and Constraints in Protecting Rivers of Conservation Importance”. Unfortunately, the time allocated for this evening event was curtailed, and we had less than an hour and a half for discussions. We had some interesting (and contrasting) short presentations from Gisli Gislason (Iceland), Jan Herrman (Sweden), Susanne Muhar (Austria) and Andrew Boulton (Australia), followed by some vigorous debate from the floor. One of my personal aims for the workshop had been to hear a range of perspectives on a subject of topical relevance to Scottish Natural Heritage, as we are in the process of examining the mechanisms available in Scotland for protecting fresh waters important for nature conservation. In the event, whilst these aims were partially achieved, most discussion centred around the tremendous difference in perception, needs and opportunities between protecting fresh waters in developed countries compared with those in the developing world.

Together with some of my Working Group colleagues, I am in the process of producing two short papers to cover the main points discussed at the meeting. One of the papers will be centred on case studies; the other will use the results of a questionnaire distributed to Group members.

Modified extract from Working Group newsletter Meanders.

P.J. Boon, Chairman
