
SIL News 30

May 2000 Contents George Evelyn Hutchinson >>> Working Group reports >>> Occasional Publications of SIL >>> Environmental news and issues >>> Announcements >>> Book reviews >>> Calendar of events >>>   SIL 2001 To see and experience first hand the weird and wonderful limnology of Australia, plan on attending the 28th Congress of SIL (SIL 2001). […]

SIL News 29

January 2000 Contents Global water crisis >>> Working Group reports >>> Environmental news and issues >>> Announcements >>> Book reviews >>> Calendar of events >>> SIL 2001 To see and experience first hand the weird and wonderful limnology of Australia, plan on attending the 28th Congress of SIL (SIL 2001). The Congress will be held in […]

SIL News 28

SILnews 28 September 1999 Contents The weird and wonderful: Australian arid zone rivers / SIL 2001 >>> Working Group reports >>> Environmental news and issues >>> Announcements >>> Book reviews >>> Calendar of events >>> Letters to the Editor >>> SIL 2001 To see and experience first hand the weird and wonderful limnology of Australia, […]

SIL News 27

May 1999 Contents Wilhelm Rodhe >>> Contact persons for Working Groups Working Group reports >>> Tonolli Memorial Fellow >>> Limnology in developing countries >>> Announcements >>> Book reviews >>> Calendar of events >>> Message from the President A recurring concern of any organisation is what that organisation can do for its members and what the […]

SIL News 26

January 1999 Contents Mary Burgess – retiring as SILNEWS Editor >>> SIL 98 Dublin >>> Abundance of fish symposia >>> Adoption of Lake Wigry, Poland, by SIL >>> The Working Groups of SIL >>> Reports from SIL Working Groups >>> DIALOG III >>> Opportunity for recent PhD recipients in limnology and oceanography Lake Tahoe scientist to […]

SIL News 25

May 1998 Contents The 75th Anniversary of SIL >>> How SIL is governed >>> The Working Groups of SIL >>> Reports from SIL Working Groups >>> The lighter side of SIL98 >>> A Center for Tropical Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology >>> An invitation to visit the Biological Station Lunz >>> Information on environmentally sound technologies […]

SIL News 24

Ireland on the Internet >>> Regionalization of Freshwater Ecosystems >>> Wetlands – further comment >>> Counter 4.4 – software >>> Biodiversity Working Group >>> Litter Breakdown in Streams and Rivers >>> Reservoir Conference >>> Rotifer Symposium >>> Ancient Lakes meeting in Japan >>> Kinneret Symposium 1998 >>> Books >>> Forthcoming Meetings >>> 75th Anniversary of […]

SIL News 23

June 1997 Contents Wetlands – your comments >>> Limnology in Ireland >>> Limnology down under >>> What happened to Lake Sevan? >>> Books >>> Forthcoming Meetings >>> Wanted – a new editor for SILNEWS The present editor of SILNEWS wishes to hand over to a new editor from the time of the next congress in […]
