Irregular Communications were initiated in 1953 as the Mitteilungen Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie and are concerned with methodology and proceedings of symposia associated with SIL. These Communications are published as finances of SIL permit.

Number 1: A guide to limnetic species of Cladocera of African inland waters
Vladimír Korínek, Charles University, Prague
Published: 2000
- Collecting Cladocera
- Preservation of cladoceran samples
- Storage of samples
- Mounting Cladocera
- Culture of Cladocera
List of species included in the key
How to distinguish Cladocera within the preserved zooplankton sample
Some of the morphological characters used for the identification
Key to the identification of females
Pictorial key
Please contact the SIL Secretary-Treasurer to order a copy of this publication.

Number 2: The gastropods of Lake Tanganyika
Diagnostic key, classification, and notes on the fauna
by Kelly West*1,5, Ellinor Michel*2, Jonathan Todd3, David Brown4 & Jerod Clabaugh1
* The first two authors contributed equally. Referencing is legitimate in either order.
- Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Project, Bujumbura, Burundi
- Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics/Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94766, 1090 GT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Department of Palaeontology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK
- Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK
- IUCN – The World Conservation Union, Eastern Africa Regional Office, P.O. Box 68200, Nairobi 00200, Kenya
Illustrations by Jean-Pierre Kiza & Leonard Papadopoulos
ISBN 9988-0-1821-5
Published in 2003 by the Centre for African Wetlands, Ghana, on behalf of International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, c/o Department of Environmental Sciences, School of Public Health, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-7431 USA, with financial assistance from the World Wide Fund for Nature, Africa and Madagascar Programme which is gratefully acknowledged.
Table of Contents
Preface / 7
Acknowledgements / 8
Notes for the Reader / 9
Introduction to the Fauna / 10
Shell Morphology and Identification / 11
Diagnostic Keys / 22
Taxonomic Classification of Thiarid Gastropods from Lake Tanganyika / 25
Thiaridae / 25
Genus Anceya / 26
Genus Bathanalia / 27
Genus Bridouxia / 28
Genus Chytra / 31
Genus Cleopatra / 32
Genus Hirthia / 33
Genus Lavigeria, with key to species / 35
Genus Limnotrochus / 59
Genus Martelia / 60
Genus Melanoides / 62
Genus Mysorelloides / 63
Genus Paramelania / 64
Genus Potadomoides / 68
Genus Reymondia / 69
Genus Spekia /71
Genus Stanleya / 73
Genus Stormsia / 74
Genus Syrnolopsis / 74
Genus Tanganyicia / 76
Genus Tiphobia / 78
Genus Vinundu / 78
Taxonomic Classification of Non-Thiarid Gastropods from Lake Tanganyika / 80
Viviparidae / 80
Genus Bellamya / 80
Genus Neothauma / 80
Ampullariidae / 81
Genus Pila / 81
Genus Lanistes / 81
Hydrobiidae / 82
Genus Tomichia (?) / 83