Dryland Limnology Working Group

The International Network on Limnology of Drylands (INLD) was made official in 2016 through the International Society of Limnology (SIL), as a working group. Its objectives are to (1) assess the current state of biological diversity in dryland aquatic ecosystems, (2) evaluate the multiple environmental stressors acting in drylands, and (3) develop models to predict effects of global change on drylands. INLD was created with the overall goal of understanding the functioning and conservation status of aquatic ecosystems in drylands globally. Moreover, this working group intends that the increase of knowledge on dryland freshwater ecosystems would allow us to help decision makers and managers to deal with climate changes and anthropogenic impacts. The INLD classifies Earth drylands according to the concept provided by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Drylands are limited by soil moisture resulting from low rainfall and high evaporation rates. Besides, drylands show a gradient of increasing primary productivity, ranging from: hyper-arid (<25mm), Arid (<25-250mm), Semiarid (<250-500mm) and Dry sub humid (<500-750mm) (Willians 2000).
For any additional related information to your working group (i.e. publications, special sessions & workshop organized) follow the links below:
Webpage: https://www.inld.pro.br
Meetings: https://www.inld.pro.br/meetings
Publications: https://www.inld.pro.br/copia-research