Kamil Hupalo

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Kamil Hupalo

Co-chair ECR committee

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)  

I am a postdoctoral researcher currently working at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. Having background in molecular phylogeography, my research interests revolve around studying freshwater biodiversity and ecology using a variety of DNA-based methods including DNA barcoding and (e)DNA metabarcoding. In my current research project, I plan to investigate the potential applicability of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding for holistic assessment of the fish parasite community. Recent literature reviews show that eDNA has proven useful in the detection of single parasite species. However, there is no consensus on the optimal sampling conditions (i.e., filter pore size and water volume) for detecting certain parasite groups. Therefore, I plan to evaluate optimal sampling conditions for detecting certain fish parasite groups using water, sediment and tissue samples. Subsequently, I am involved in several collaborative projects revolving around evolutionary history, integrative taxonomy and eco-evolutionary adaptation. In these research projects, I study freshwater amphipods as eco-evolutionary model organisms.

As a co-chair of the Early Career Researcher Committee, my work in SIL focuses on consolidating and galvanising the ECR community within our Society and beyond through joint activities, workshops and meetings oriented towards young freshwater researchers. I am a strong believer in international collaborations and my goal is to bring early career researchers from across the world together to form lasting collaborations.
