Sixth Symposium on Enchytraeidae [Annelida, Oligochaeta]

Haus Ohrbeck, Osnabrück, Germany
3-4 July 1998

For information contact:

Rüdiger M. Schmelz and Rut Collado
Univertität Osnabrück, FB5
Systematic Zoology
D-49069 Osnabrück, Germany
Tel.: +49 – 0541-969-2859
Fax: +49 – 0541-969-2870

Tropical Fish Biology FSBI Annual Symposium

Southampton, UK
13-16 July 1998


Dr George F. Turner
School of Biological Sciences
University of Southampton,
Basset Cresent East, Southampton
SO16 7PX, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1703 594 394
Fax: +44 (0)1703 59426/ 594793

4th International Crustacean Congress

20-24 July 1998

More information: >>>
ICC4, p/a ISP/UvA,
attn. W. van Zijl
P.O.Box 94766
1090 GT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Sixth International Polychaete Conference

Curitiba, Brazil
2-7 August 1998

Web Site:

Shallow Lakes ‘98: Trophic Interactions in Shallow Freshwater and Brackish Lakes

Berlin, Germany
3-8 August 1998

Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Mueggelseedamm 260
12562 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30-64 19 05 11
Fax: +49 30-64 19 05 23

6th European Congress of Entomology

Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
23-29 August 1998

Dr. Tomas Soldan
Institute of Entomology, Academy of Sciences
31 Branisovska
370 05 Ceske Budejovice, CZECH REPUBLIC
Telephone: +42 38 40822;
Fax: +42 38 43625

17th Colloquium of the Association of French-speaking Diatomists

Luxembourg, Belgium
8-11 September 1998

The colloquium will take place in the Science building of the Centre Universitaire of Luxembourg. Participants are invited to present their results on diatoms in the form of posters or oral communications. The subjects covered are: fossil and recent diatoms from freshwater, marine and brackish environments, taxonomy, ecology, palaeoecology, water quality,…. The general assembly of the association will take place on Thursday September 9th in the late afternoon. Friday 11th will be devoted to microscopic observations of samples brought by the participants of the colloquium. A visit to the town of Luxembourg in the evening of September 8th as well as an excursion to the medieval castle of Vianden (“Pearl of the Ardennes”) and the Mullerthal (“Little Switzerland”) in the afternoon of September 9th will permit participants to get a better knowledge of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Registration and deadline for abstracts of the oral communications and posters: July 1, 1998

The conference registration fee is 1500 Flux or BEF (about 250 FF). Information can be obtained by e-mailing to the following address:

Secretariat and organisation of the colloquium:

Cellule de Recherche en Environnement et Biotechnologies (CREBS)
Centre de Recherche Public- Centre Universitaire (CRP-CU)
Avenue de la Faiencerie, 162a
L-1511 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Tel.: (352)
Fax: (352)

Aquatic Plants: 10th International Symposium of the European Weed Research Society

Lisbon, Portugal
22-25 September 1998

Contact: Prof. Teresa Ferreira
Forestry Department, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda,
P-1399 Lisboa, Portugal

Assessing the Ecological Integrity of Running Waters

Vienna, Austria
9 – 11 November 1998

Organised by University of Agricultural Sciences
Tel: +43 1 47654-5226
Fax: +43 1 47654-5217

18th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS)

Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta, Canada
11-13 November 1998

Theme: Cooperative Lake and Watershed Management: Linking Communities, Industry and Government

Contact: Brian G. Kotak
Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc.
Tel. (403) 525-8431

Abstract deadline: May 1, 1998

Most up-to-date information: >>>

Conservation of Tropical Species, Communities and Ecosystems

Thiruvananthapuram, India
3-6 December 1998

Contact: K. Narayanan Nair
Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute
Palode, Thiruvananthapuram 695 562
Kerala, India
Tel: +91 (0)472 840226, 840236
Fax: +91 (0)471 437230, 431178

7th International Symposium on the Ecology of Fluvial Fishes

University of Lodz, Poland
10-13 May 1999

Convener: Tadeusz Penczak
Dept. of Ecology & Vertebrate Zoology, University of Lodz
12/16 Banacha St., 90-237 Lodz
E-mail: or
Tel: +48 42 781 1364
Fax: +48 42 783 958


Copenhagen, Denmark
17-21 May 1999

See the First Circular or the Lake99 website for details.

47th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society (NABS)

Duluth, Minnesota, USA
25-28 May 1999

Symposium of European Freshwater Scientists

Antwerp, Belgium (provisional)
25-28 August 1999

INTECOL VI: Global Wetlands at the Millennium

Québec City, Canada
6-12 August 2000

The Sixth Wetlands Symposium of the International Association of Ecology, INTECOL VI, on the theme of Global Wetlands at the Millennium will be held at Québec City, Canada August 6-12, 2000. The Organizing Committee comprised of representatives of Canadian universities, governments and industry invite your participation, expressions of interest in organizing special workshops or symposia, and presentation of papers or posters.

Numerous topics such as global water conservation, sustainable development issues, fisheries in wetlands, microbiological research, botanical studies, waterfowl habitat, conservation policy and legislation, wetland restoration technology, wetlands as carbon sinks, the role of wetlands in climate change, tropical peatlands, estuarine ecology, forestry in wetlands, and many other topics are welcome for the program under development.

INTECOL VI will be a component of a Millennium Wetland Event with its meeting held in conjunction with the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, the 11th World Congress of the International Peat Society and the 12th Symposium of the International Mire Conservation Group as well as specialized meetings of Wetlands International and numerous other groups. The Convention on Wetlands and the IUCN Ecosystem Management Commission have offered to assist in implementation of the program.

Full details on the scope of these meetings, field trips, registration, hotels and additional information can be viewed at the Web site http://www/ or by contact with:

Wetland Millennium Event Secretariat
Attention Ms. Elizabeth MacKay
CQVB, Bureau 620
2875 boulevard Laurier
Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada G1V 2M2
Phone: (418) 657-3853
Fax: (418) 657-7934

Clayton Rubec, Chair
Organizing Committee, INTECOL VI
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0H3
Phone: (819) 953-0485
Fax: (819) 994-4445
