W.T. Edmondson

Warmly respected by all who knew him, an enthusiastic advocate for limnology, and internationally renowned for his pioneering work on rotifer biology and long-term ecological study of Lake Washington, W.T. Edmondson died in Seattle, Washington, USA, in January 2000.

‘Tommy’ to his numerous friends, colleagues and former students throughout the world, was a long-standing member and firm supporter of SIL. He and his wife, Yvette, were regular participants in SIL Congresses for more than 3 decades and he served as the American National Representative of SIL from 1962 – 1992. In 1980, his outstanding contributions to limnology were acknowledged by SIL in the award of a Naumann-Thienemann medal.

All of us who knew him through his writing, and those of us who were privileged to know him personally, will continue to be inspired by his warmth, enthusiasm and commitment to limnology.

A tribute to Tommy Edmondson will appear in the September issue of SILnews.

Carolyn W. Burns
President, SIL

New Journal

The Japanese Society of Limnology will start a new journal “Limnology” in 2000. Limnology is a scientific journal published three times a year: in April, August and December by Springer-Verlag. The editors welcome original scientific contributions on physical, chemical, biological or related research, including environmental issues, on any aspect of theoretical or applied limnology. The journal publishes research papers, notes, review articles, Asia/Oceania reports, and comments.

The aim of Limnology is as follows: to publish scientific and/or technical papers in limnology; to serve as a platform for information dissemination among scientists and practitioners; to enhance the standing of limnology in Japan; to forge international links; and, to contribute to the development of limnology in Asia and Oceania.

The main scopes are as follows:

Manuscripts can be sent to:

Michio Kumagai, D.Sc.
Editor in Chief
Lake Biwa Research Institute
1-10 Uchidehama, Otsu 520-0806
E-mail: kumagai@lbri.go.jp

SIL Partner of the Convention of Wetlands (RAMSAR, 1971)

SIL was invited to participate as a member or observer to the 8th meeting of the Ramsar Convention Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) in Gland, Switzerland on 22 – 25 September, 1999.

This invitation is the consequence of the 7th Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP: 115 Countries) in Costa Rica, 10 – 18 May, 1999 Resolution VII.3. Several expert organisations and subsidiary scientific bodies of a number of other international environment conventions were invited to nominate representatives to attend the 8th meeting of the STRP as observers, and to assist with the work of the Panel, as appropriate.

The main aims of the meeting were to: establish a clear understanding of the actions expected of the STRP; the timing and nature of any products; and, to identify the lead member, or members of the Panel for each element of the work programme.

The meeting also reviewed the tasks allocated to it by COP 7 and previous COPs and reached a common understanding among members and observers on the nature of each task. It then established 10 working groups to undertake the major activities and proposed actions with respect to 12 other activity areas, several of which are classified as ‘ongoing’ or ‘as required’ in nature. In the course of the meeting (and in some cases subsequently), each working group developed terms of references and time frames for the actions they would pursue.

The working groups are:

  1. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
  2. The World Commission on Dams
  3. Impact Assessment
  4. Incentive Measures
  5. Invasive Species
  6. Wetland Inventory
  7. Peatlands
  8. Wetland Restoration
  9. Site Management
  10. Allocations and Management of Water for Maintaining Ecological Functions

SIL members are invited to participate actively in these working groups.

For further information, please contact:

Professor Jean-Bernard Lachavanne
Laboratoire d’Ecologie et de Biologie Aquatique
Université de Genève
Chemin des Clochettes, 18
CH-1206 Genève
E-mail: Jean-Bernard.Lachavanne@LEBA.unige.ch
Fax: 41-22-789-4989

ASIAN WATER – an Asian journal for Water, Wastewater, Sanitation and Environmental Technology

Nowhere is the challenge of developing water and wastewater infrastructure going to be greater than in Asia. Why? Population growth is leaping ahead of Asia’s ability to supply itself with water for drinking and industrial uses. There’s also the worry of the impact of population growth and economic development on degradation of the water environment. The recent financial crisis has brought governments to greater realisation that the continent’s environmental concerns have to be attended to with greater urgency than ever before. ASIAN WATER is determined to play a critical role in influencing and shaping government and the private sector attitudes’ to the water environment.

ASIAN WATER provides its readers with crisp intelligence and thought-provoking analysis on business and technical issues. In addition to its mandate to provide updates of business opportunities, it is committed to disseminating ideas for increasing private sector participation in Asia’s water and wastewater industry. ASIAN WATER is focused on developing itself as a key driver in stepping private sector participation.

For further information, please contact:

Dr Alexander Schieffer, Publisher
Asian Water Magazine
First Asia Publishing Pte Ltd
Publisher of Asia’s leading special interest publications
6 New Industrial Road #02-02/04
Singapore 536199
E-mail: asianwater@firstasia.com
Tel: (65) 8580040
Fax: (65) 8581141

Waters to the Sea CD-ROM Links History, Ecology, and Water Quality

Hamline University’s Center for Global Environmental Education (CGEE) has released its new cross-platform educational CD-ROM, Waters to the Sea: Rivers of the Upper Mississippi. This innovative project helps students in grades 4-9 comprehend diverse science and social studies concepts that relate to the health of local watersheds.

The Waters to the Sea CD-ROM presents fundamental concepts of ecology, the water cycle, and watershed hydrology. A virtual water-quality lab allows users to conduct water-quality tests on simulated water samples. Virtual journeys down three Upper Mississippi watershed rivers take users from prehistoric times up to the present through prairie, deciduous forest, and coniferous forest ecoregions. Each journey investigates the impacts of primary human land-use activities within each watershed. Twenty-four short videos, seven QuickTime VR landscape panoramas, hundreds of historic photos, and numerous engaging multimedia activities provide for a media-rich learning experience.

The program costs $39.95 US plus shipping and handling. For more information, contact:

The Center for Global Environmental Education
E-mail: cgee@hamline.edu
Phone: 651-523-2480
Fax: 651-523-2987

Limnology job and studentship notices

Notices on the availability of limnologically-oriented jobs and graduate student opportunities are now accepted for publication in SILnews and display on the SIL web site >>>

There is no charge for the service at this time, which is available to SIL members and non-members.

Submitters should be aware of the 4 month lead-time for the print edition of SILnews; those advertisements with short deadlines should be directed to the web site.

Submissions should include: 1) a short title describing the position (job or studentship), 2) location and duration of the position, 3) closing date for applications, 4) a short paragraph describing the position, including any citizenship, educational or employment prerequisites; and, 5) information on where potential applicants may obtain further information, including names of contact persons, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and web site addresses, where appropriate.

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity. Those deemed inappropriate to the SIL mandate will be rejected at the discretion of the SILnews Editor. Submissions for the print edition of SILnews should be sent to the editor at the address on the cover of this issue.

Submissions for the SIL web site can be sent by e-mail to webmaster@limnology.org or by fax to +1 (204) 474-7650, attention: Gordon Goldsborough.
