Why join SIL

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SIL, the International Society of Limnology is the only international association of scientists entirely devoted to the study of inland waters. SIL holds international congresses every two years, and encourages limnological research in all regions of the world and actively supports emerging science from developing countries and young scientists through various funding programs. SIL congresses are the place to meet and get to know well-known limnologists as well as scientists at the onset of their career.

SIL benefits your career:

Being a member in SIL allows you to build your own network by exchanging with different types of society members that all have one point in common: their interest in limnology! You can develop your professional relationships with members working in your area of research and/or your area of interest. If you want to go even one step further: you can become an active member and be visible. SIL assembles the “who is who” of limnology. That’s a good way to start your career in limnology.

SIL benefits society:

SIL is truly international. It has mechanisms to support researchers in developing countries and enables its members to share their knowledge. Through that, actions that have a positive impact on the environment worldwide can be –and has been- taken by our members.

SIL has tradition:

SIL is the oldest limnological society, it will celebrate its 100th anniversary in its 2022 congress in Berlin. How cool is it to be a part of that tradition and that history? You will be a member of a society that gathered and still gathers the big names in limnology (pick your favourites here: https://limnology.org/notable-limnologists/)

SIL is your primary lobbyist:

Having a strong society that represents your field of research is one more strong voice that emphasizes the importance of inland waters. This can attract funding and thus create job opportunities for you.

Discover the benefits of being a SIL member. They include:

• Free access to SIL’s peer-reviewed journal, Inland Waters
• No page charge fees on your papers published in Inland Waters (the first author has to be a SIL member)
• A 30% discount if you choose to publish your article in Inland Waters as Gold Open Access*
• A substantial discount on registration fees to SIL Congresses
• An opportunity to be a lecturer during SIL Congresses
• A selection of active Working Groups, each with a focus on a different aspect of Limnology, which you are welcome to join

Student members are eligible and encouraged to:

• Participate in the International SIL student competition held every two years before a congress at which the best published paper is chosen and announced
• Apply for travel awards to cover part of their cost of participating in SIL congresses
• Publish: Inland Waters has a fast track option for students and early career researchers. As a student/ECR you get the chance once to submit a paper that is then given high priority and reviewed very fast to help you finish your PhD thesis
• Apply for small research grants (only for students from developing countries)
• Volunteer to serve on one of SIL’s committees

*For more information on how to use this discount go onto your members area or the SIL Inland Water page
