SIL Membership Types
Regular Members: individuals interested in limnology who pay full dues.
Student Members: students (all countries) working toward a graduate or post-graduate degree. Student status is limited to a max of 6 years.
Early Career Members: professionals within the first 5 years after completion of their highest degree, who pay 50% of the dues in their country. Early Career status is limited to a maximum of 5 years.
Emeritus Members: individuals who retired and are in good standing with SIL for 20 + years, request emeritus status and are approved by the Executive Board. Emeritus members can choose to pay 50% dues and receive free on-line access to Inland Waters and the SIL Proceedings and Communications (category B), or pay no dues and receive no free on-line journal access (category A).
Developing economies : Membership discount brackets are based on the Gross Domestic Products (Gross National Incomes) per capita from the most recent
World Bank list.
New Fees by Membership Type Table coming up soon