3rd Philippine Symposium on Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystems (PSFBE) on November 9–11, 2022
This conference aims to bring togethers scientists from across Southeast Asia and will serve as an avenue where participants can present newfound knowledge on the biodiversity and ecology of freshwater environments in the Philippines and the rest of tropical Asia. It is being organized together with the University of Santo Tomas, University of the Philippines, Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), Department of Agriculture – National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), Association of Systematic Biologists of the Philippines (ASBP), and BIO-PHIL: Biodiversity Teaching in a Philippine-Cambodian-German Network.
4th International Conference: Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers – Lyon, France, from 21st to 25th June, 2021
I.S.Rivers is an international conference dedicated to research and practices serving large rivers of Europe and around the world. The aim is to gather scientists, river managers and stakeholders. SIL members will have access to reduced fees if attending!
10th International Shallow Lakes Conference March 1st to 5th, 2021, Online
In addition to the tradition al topics addressed in previous shallow lakes conferences, we take the opportunity of this 10th meeting to devote special attention to landscape ecology and its importance to understand the structure and function of shallow lakes. The deadline for registration is Nov 27th, 2020 and for abstract submission is Nov 30th, 2020. The deadline for the submission of the video with the oral presentation is January 30th, 2021, and for the paper submission to a special volume of the journal Hydrobiologia is March 30th, 2021, just after the congress. Due to time zone problems, the congress will happen from 8 to 12 a.m. (BRT, Brasilia Time, UTC-3). The registration fee is now 25% of the original price and we hope that with the reduced registration fee and the online format, more students and professionals from developing countries will be able to attend the conference.
Lakes & Reservoirs – Hot Spots and Topics in Limnology (Mikorzyn, Poland 17-20 September 2019)
We are happy to cordially invite you to International Conference “Lakes & Reservoirs: Hot Spot and Topics in Limnology”, a summit organized by Polish Limnological Society in co-operation with Romanian Limnogeographical Association and held in Mikorzyn, Poland in 17-20 September 2019. Its main aim is to share experience on the ecology, complexity and diversity of freshwater ecosystems, development of restoration and management methods, control measures and risk assessments.
MAIN CONFERENCE THEMES • Surface waters management • Functioning of heated lakes • Novel methods of lakes restoration. • Hydrobiology and aquatic ecology • Emerging threats to aquatic ecosystems
6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference (Tihany, Hungary 23-27 April 2019)
The ‘Fresh Blood for Fresh Water’ is an international community meeting of early-career limnologists, which provide a friendly atmosphere to meet, present new results and exchange ideas with other young researchers. In 2019, the young scientists of the MTA Centre for Ecological Research welcome the conference in a beautiful peninsula, next to Lake Balaton. Excellent plenary talks will be given by early-career group leaders, and the workshops will cover both theory and practice in different fields. Sessions will cover not just biology but many other fields related to freshwater systems (like water and sediment chemistry, geology and hydrology). For further information, please visit our webpage (http://fbfw2019.okologia.mta.hu/), and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/FreshBloodforFreshWater2019/).
2nd Philippine Symposium on Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Quezon City, Philippines, 11-14 December 2018)
Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman
The 2nd Philippine Symposium on Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystems will be held in the Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Philippines, from December 11 to 14, 2018. This symposium will be in cooperation with the International Society of Limnology.
17th World Lake Conference (Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan, 15-19 October 2018)
Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
The World Lake Conference is globally recognized as a place for multi-sectoral participants to exchange their views and experiences on the sustainable management of lakes and their basins. The next conference will be held in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan with the theme of “Harmonious Coexistence of Humans and Lakes-Toward Sustainable Ecosystem Services-” in October 2018. It is our honor to invite all of you to participate in the conference and share the latest issues related to the lakes in the world.
The slogan of the conference is “Studies on Freshwater and Saline Water Lakes – in Search for a Common Ground.” The program of the conference will be organized to reflect the growing interest in saline lakes and related aspects. It will combine traditional sections on geology and chemistry, physics, microbial ecology, food web ecology, human pressures on saline lakes with sections focused on comparative studies of different aquatic ecosystems, predictive mathematical modelling, paleolimnology, effects of water level on the ecology and biogeochemical cycling and other trendy topics in limnology. We offer several funding opportunities for young scientists including best paper award, travel grants and prizes for the best oral and poster presentation during the conference.
Important dates:
Application for “Best paper” award for young scientists – January 15, 2017 On-line registration – April 30, 2017 Application for travel grants for young scientists – April 30, 2017 Abstract submission – May 15, 2017 Post-conference tour registration – May 15, 2017
Objectives will be to: 1) Bring together scientists, postdocs and students from the field of aquatic primary productivity for joint experiments, lectures and discussions. 2) Expand traditional primary productivity methods with modern molecular approaches. 3) Jointly discuss the obtained results and prepare the publications for a special issue in a peer -reviewed journal.
There will be four working groups focused on individual tasks: 1) WG1 – Interactions of algae and bacteria (Římov drinking water reservoir). Local coordinator: Michal Koblížek. 2) WG2 – Productivity in highly productive systems (eutrophic ponds near Třeboň) Local coordinator: Libor Pechar. 3) WG3 – Photosynthesis—Laboratory experiments on model phytoplankton cultures. Local coordinator: Ondřej Prášil. 4) WG4 – Trophic conversion of microalgae Local coordinator: Jiří Masojídek.
Participating institutions: Centre ALGATECH, Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences. ENKI, o.p.s. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, it is a pleasure to invite all to the XVI Brazilian Congress of Limnology, devoted to the theme “Water resources in crisis: sustainability, biodiversity and integration of knowledge in the face of global change.” The conference will be held at the Riocentro Convention Center in the city of Rio de Janeiro, between the 24th and 27th of July 2017. The Brazilian Congresses of Limnology, biennial since 1986, have been a reference for the discussion and dissemination of limnology in South America. These congresses always ensure the attendance of hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students, besides researchers from universities, research institutes, private companies and government agencies. ‘A water wheel of life’ has been chosen by students to be the logo of the XVI Brazilian Congress of Limnology. The event is organized into plenary lectures, round tables, special sessions, and oral and poster presentations. Within the pre-congress activities will be held ten free short-courses to the participants. The complete program of the congress can be seen on the congress website (http://www.cblimno2017.com.br/).