Early Career Researchers Committee

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Join the ECR committee


The ECR Committee aims to consolidate and galvanise the early career researcher (ECR) community within SIL Society and beyond.

Specific tasks include:

  • Have an active role in the SIL ECR committee, by participating in committee meetings
  • Help to organize and coordinate SIL events focused on ECRs (e.g, SIL ECR Workshops, Seminar Series, and online Cafes, etc…)
  • Help to recruit and select candidates for SIL- ECR Researchers of the Month, a new series highlighting ECR through social media and the SILNews (SIL’s newsletter)
  • Actively promote SIL and the SIL ECR committee


Who is part of the Committee

Co-chair: Kamil Hupalo

Co-chair: Bruno Cremella

Want to join the committee?

You can join the committee by contacting the co-chairs or fill in the form by following the link below:
