
HomeAbout SIL → Committees

Executive Committee

Björn Wissel - General Secretary – Treasurer
Cécilia Barouillet - Vice- President, Communication & Publication
Zeynep Ersoy - Vice President, Global Outreach
Barbara Barta - Student / Early Career Representative, Education
Lena Schallenberg - Student/Early Career Representative, Global Outreach
Mihir Kulkarni - Student / Early Career Representative, Developing Countries
Mariana Meerhoff - Vice-President, Education
Meryem Beklioğlu - Vice-President, Developing Countries
Gülce Yalçın Student/Early Career Representative, Communication & Publication

Nominations Committee

Luciana Gomes Barbosa Committee Member
András Abonyi Committee Member
Alan Hildrew Committee Member
Irina Izaguirre Committee Member
Tamar Zohary Chair

Student Awards Committee (Wetzel, Tonolli Awards)

Csaba Vad Member
Linda May Member
Diego Copedi Member

Brian Moss Student Competition Committee


Barbara Barta - (Student Representative)
Warwick Vincent - Co-chair
Ali Ger - Co-chair
Ismael Kimirei
Michio Kumagai

Communication and Technology

Juan David González Trujillo - (Student Representative)
Gülce Yalçın Student/Early Career Representative

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion working force
